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Single This Valentine’s Day? Here’s How You Can Fall in Love with Your Own Home

Ah, Valentine’s Day. For those who’ve been blessed with Cupid’s arrow, it can be a light in the dreary February slog. For those of us who’ve remained unpierced, however, it can be… kind of a drag.

That said, there are still plenty of opportunities to fall in love, even if you’re not currently enamored. Whether you’re a current homeowner or perusing the housing market, here are three easy ways to fall in love with your own home this Valentine’s Day.

1. House hunting? You’d better shop around.

Hear us out: in some ways, looking for your dream home is just like dating. It’s a little bit strategy and a little bit luck of the draw… and sometimes, a lot of work. 

But for most of us, our homes are the single largest purchase we’ll ever make — and a purchase involving a loan whose timeline might cover three decades. In other words, it’s worth the effort to make sure you’re investing in a home you actually love. 

When it comes to finding your perfect home, a little bit of research and preparation can go a long way. Sit down and make a list of absolute dealbreakers (i.e., houses that need an immediate roof replacement), as well as features that may be ideal, but aren’t absolutely required (i.e., bay windows, big backyards and bathtubs). Keep in mind that in a competitive market, you’ll likely need to compromise at least a little bit to find a home that’s both dreamy and feasible for your needs — but figuring out what those needs are is an important first step.

Additionally, getting prequalified can help narrow down your home search by giving you an idea of exactly how much house you can actually afford. Plus, having a prequalification letter in your hand will show sellers that you’re not just a looky-loo, but a motivated buyer ready to make the move when the time is right.

2. If you’re already a homeowner, show your house a little love.

Maybe your house-hunting days are in the rearview — but you’re looking to rekindle the old spark that made you put in an offer in the first place. Even the best relationships need work to thrive over time, and your relationship with your home is no exception.

Start with the musts: basic maintenance needs that might have fallen by the wayside in the busy-ness of day-to-day life. When’s the last time you got your carpets steamed or paid for a professional window cleaning? What about the water heater, HVAC system, and roof?

If all those boxes are checked, consider investing in some new home decor or furniture — or even just rearranging your existing pieces. You may be able to find ways to maximize your space while giving it a fresh, new spin, and hey: novelty, even in a longstanding relationship, can be romantic.

3. When it comes to a mortgage lender, hold out for “the one.” 

Falling in love with your house is one thing — but ideally, you’ll want to be head over heels for your mortgage lender, as well. (It may sound like a reach, but trust us — it’s possible!)

You probably already know how many options you have to look over on this front, such as conventional loans to government-backed options like FHA loans and VA loans.

At Quontic, we know a home purchase isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. That’s why, as one of only 3% of U.S. banks with a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) certification, we offer Non-Traditional Mortgages — which are specifically designed for borrowers with non-traditional needs, like freelancers, small business owners, and foreign nationals. Even if your income is irregular and you haven’t seen a W-2 in years, we may be able to help you get the keys to your dream home… and in keeping with the Valentine’s Day spirit, we’ll hold your hand every step of the way. Connect with one of our mortgage specialists today!


Quontic Bank is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of Federal Housing Authority (FHA) or any government agency or government sponsored entity. All lending products are subject to approval. Rates, program terms & conditions are subject to change without notice. Not all products are available in all states or for all amounts. This does not represent an offer to enter into a loan agreement. Other requirements, restrictions & limitations apply. Information is accurate as of February 9, 2022 and is subject to change without notice.

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